This piece located on the second level of the exhibit immediately caught my eye. It really intrigued me because obviously it just a huge pile of fluffy balls (some even make noises when you squeeze them). The use of a dark blue and white really aids to the visual appeal of this piece because it creates contrast, as well as the repetition of the same shape just in various sizes. The way all the fluffy balls are stacked on top of each other and some scattered outside creates a connection between the objects, because of their same texture. All these different design elements are so simple, yet they really tie the piece together.
New Designers, Islington
On Thursday I attended the New Designers exhibit in Islington, London. Being a double major in Art & Design and Journalism, I found this exhibition so incredibly fascinating. There was so much talent amongst all these young designers, it was so inspiring. I could just stare at everything for hours in awe of the detail and how much time and hard work the designers put into their projects.
This was another piece that stood out to me. The woodworking skills to create these tables is incredible. I have worked with wood before and I cannot even comprehend how they did this. Everything was so perfectly sanded and all of the cutouts perfectly placed. The use of the squiggly lines overlapping one another but still allowing the viewer to see all the way through the table at certain parts is very visually appealing. It creates a very dynamic piece, because it is not only the tables we are looking at, but the shadows they create. The way the three tables were all set up next to each other was another thing that was very aesthetically pleasing. Individually they are very different, but they all feel connected by how they were placed and by the specific design of each table.
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