Saturday, 4 July 2015


The night of July 3, 2015 was one heck of a night.

It all began with a bottle of Prosecco...

Last night was the night I had been waiting for for a hot minute. It was the Justin Martin and Kill Frenzy show located at the Nest in Dalston, London. I purchased my tickets for this show about three weeks before I even left for London. The second I found out about Justin Martin's Hello Clouds tour and found out a show was in London when I was going to be in London, I wanted in immediately. Nine pounds later, I had myself a ticket and a really awesome night waiting for me.

The Night Begins

A few of my flatmates and I were all preparing for the show and got off to a late start.

We ended up leaving 15 minutes before it started at 10 PM and of course, I forgot my Oyster card. You can't ride the buses or the subways without your Oyster card, so of course I had to go back and get it. Unfortunately Dalston is not the closest journey from Hyde Park. It was a 54 minute quest and we were already late.

I, of course, was freaking out because the website said the doors close at 11:30 PM and no one will be granted access after that. I am the biggest Dirtybird Records fan of all time, so I COULD NOT...I mean COULD NOT...miss this show. It just could not happen. This was my show.

The Journey

So after running back to my flat after walking halfway to the subway, we hop on and get off at Finsbury. Lucky for us, the exact arrival time of our subway happened to be when everyone was leaving the Wireless festival. The streets were jam packed with people. Literally jam packed, and we were essentially swimming against the current.

Every single person was walking in the opposite direction and none of the buses were running. WHAT THE HECK WERE WE SUPPOSED TO DO!?!

None of us had service because we run our phones on Wifi, so we were all running around asking police officers where to go. We asked one and he pointed one way, and the next police officer would tell us something different. It was a complete and utter mess.

I was on a mission to get to this show because I was not NOT going to this show. It was not going to happen.

My flatmate and I started power walking through the mall of people and lost the rest of our group. Lucky, again, for us a massive thunder storm was rolling through. It started pouring and huge bursts of thunder and lighting were filling the night sky. Dramatic, I know.

I, being a huge drama queen, began to cry. Yes, I am pathetic. But I do really love my Dirtybird, okay, and it makes me really emotional.

We wandered and wandered and wandered, and finally came to a pub where a bartender was outside putting all the chairs away. He saw me crying and immediately helped us, called us a cab and we were on our way again. Bless this angel. He saved us.

At this time, it was 11:45 PM and we had thought the doors closed, but we were still determined. I was getting into this show.

We got dropped off and there was a huge line outside the club, and we were astonished and confused. I walked up to the security and said, "Wait, I thought the doors closed at 11:30?"

He responded, "Hahahah, most definitely not!"

Well, that was that. We had made it. And this was a struggle worth fighting because what an absolutely mental show.

Dirtybirds Bout' to Get Dirty

Kill Frenzy opened and played an absolutely amazing set. This was my second time seeing him and my first time seeing him after his new album Taylr Swft came out; this album is a total banger. I was absolutely stoked to hear all the tracks from it because, to be honest, there was not a single one I didn't like.

Not only was Kill Frenzy perfection, but so was the environment. The Nest is unlike any club I have ever been to, even in Los Angeles or San Francisco. It was so intimate and the vibe was off the wall. Every person in there was one hundred stoked about the music and was getting down and groovy with the beat.

Having gone to many shows in my lifetime, I know better than to think the music is enough for a good time. The vibe is equally as important, because if you can't get down with the crowd...then the crowd is obviously not there for the same reason as you (which is just awkward). Everyone likes to dance with people who appreciate the music just as much as they do.

The Nest has one tiny room as a dance floor with a small bar located on the right hand side. The tiny room added to the atmosphere. It was hot and sweaty, but that almost made it even better. (gross I know). But, TRUE!

Right after Kill Frenzy destroyed, the one and only, Mr. Justin Martin came on. Bless all of our ears.

This was now my fourth time seeing him and I swear to God he gets better every single time. This was by far my favorite set I had ever seen him play.


Because he played a set totally different than any of the sets I had seen previously. Last time I saw him, it was in the States and the vibe in London is totally different than America. I think Justin Martin appealed to the London crowd. The music scene in London is totally different than America. They worship drum and bass here, and you are lucky if you can find someone who even knows what that is on the west coast, at least where I am located.

It was not as bass heavy, and had a little more funk to it than usual. Justin Martin goes back and forth between throwing in some heavy basslines, turning the whole crowd into a puddle, and funky house music that you just can't stop shaking your hips to. The perfect mixture was different than the other sets I had seen because it felt like it was a little more upbeat. More dance music and less heavy. The whole time I could not stop dancing, where normally at Justin Martin sets I can't stop being like "OOOOOHHHHHH!" because he's throwing down such heavy womps. It was a pleasant, hip shakin', change. I was into it.

To top off my whole night, as I walked outside after the show, Kill Frenzy and Justin Martin were walking out at the exact same time. I exchanged a few words...."fan girling" incredibly hard...because this is frickin Kill Frenzy and Justin Martin...and we took a photo. It was great. 

I can't even put it into words how incredible this show was. Experiencing the house and techno scene in London is even better than I could have ever expected. The people, the club, the atmosphere, the music...every thing was perfect to the T.

It may have been the most unlucky and luckiest night of my life.

It is easy to say, last night was one for the books.


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