Monday 22 June 2015

Portabello Road, Notting Hill

What a beautiful quaint place to shop. It is a wonderful breather from the hustle and bustle of central London. Everything is constantly moving in central London and it is hard to walk down the street without running into someone or feeling like you need to be decked out in a Chanel jumpsuit to fit in.
Portabello Road is full of wonderful little shops selling little trinqits to souvenirs, to thrifty goodies. 

There are vendors all up and down the street selling tons of handmade jewelry and yummy food. The buildings down a few side streets are painted pastel rainbow and it is oh so dreamy. I want to go back over and over again because I simply cannot get enough.

It reminds me a little bit of Melrose Avenue in California, but a little less grungy and a little more “Grandma would love this.”


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